Score rewards with every purchase and unlock exclusive perks, member-only discounts, and VIP early access to sales!
Signing up is absolutely FREE. Join now and make your love for sports even more rewarding!
Score Big Rewards
Cash Rebate
Earn points every time you shop
Shop Smart, Earn Big. Members Save More!
Collect Points and Redeem Rewards Faster Than Ever!
Unlock Discounts, Early Access, and So Much More!
How It Works
Step 1: SHOP
Shop at Football Republic Malaysia Official Online Store today!
Step 2: EARN Points
Earn 1 points for every RM1 spent.
Step 3: REDEEM
Redeem rewards with your point balance.
Loyalty Membership Program FAQ
General Questions
What is the Loyalty Membership Program?
Our Loyalty Membership Program is designed to reward you for every purchase you make. Members enjoy exclusive benefits such as earning points, accessing special discounts, early access to sales, and redeeming exciting rewards.
How do I join the Loyalty Membership Program?
Joining is simple and free! You can sign up online via our website, or scan the QR code at our stores.
Is there a membership fee?
No, signing up for our Loyalty Membership Program is completely free.
Earning Points
How do I earn points?
Earn points every time you shop. Simply log in with your account when shopping online.
How many points do I earn per purchase?
Members earn 1 point for every RM1.00 spent. Occasionally, we offer bonus points promotions for specific products or categories.
Can I earn points on discounted items or during promotions?
Yes, you can earn points on most purchases, including discounted items, unless otherwise stated.
Redeeming Points
How do I redeem my points?
Redeeming your points is easy! Log in to your account online and redeem at the check out page.
What can I redeem with my points?
Points can be redeemed for discounts, exclusive rewards, or special items listed in our rewards catalog.
Do my points expire?
Yes, points expire after 365 days if unused. Check your account regularly to track your points balance and expiration dates.
Account Management
How can I check my points balance?
Log in to your account on our website to view your points balance and transaction history.
Can I update my account details?
Yes, you can update your email, phone number, or other details by logging into your account or contacting our customer support at
Membership Benefits
What are the exclusive benefits of being a member?
Members enjoy perks like earning points, exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and invitations to special events.
What if I have a problem with my membership or points?
If you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support team at We’re happy to help!